Sep 30, 2020
Snowmobile Fuel System: How to get the most out of your sled!
Upgrading your fuel system can result in more power and more protection. Run more boost with more fuel demand. Run co...
Aug 27, 2020
Do I need to idle-down my RZR or CanAm before I shut it off?
AÂ question we often get asked is "Do I need to let my vehicle cool down". In this article we answer the question and ...
Aug 6, 2020
Elite Kits Explained
BoonDocker Elite Turbo Kits for Snowmobiles and UTV's are here! "Elite" is a new product line for us at BoonDocker, a...
Aug 4, 2020
Electronic Boost Control Explained
Electronic boost control (EBC) is one of the primary features that differentiates our kits in the market. This proces...