Wastegate Actuator for BoonDocker Snow Turbo Kit

Regular price $116.00
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Wastegate actuator(s) ultimately control how much boost you make! Build more boost and better throttle response with our signature line of wastegate actuators!
The wastegate actuator is a spring/diaphragm combination that is the mechanical control of the wastegate. The wastegate is a small “door” in the turbine housing, that opens and closes, allowing hot exhaust to escape from the turbine inlet to the turbine outlet, essentially creating a bypass, allowing exhaust to circumvent the turbine wheel (read more about the turbocharger). This process is what controls the actual boost that is delivered to the engine.
The actuator works in combination with our electronics (EBC) to control boost. The spring portion of the actuator holds the wastegate door shut, until a certain pressure. The diaphragm portion of the actuator responds to pressure changes (controlled by our electronics) in response to boost control. For example, a black actuator is a 6-lb actuator. Using this 6-lb actuator, without EBC, would force the system to make 6 psi of boost. However, with our EBC, we’re able to leverage the diaphragm portion of the actuator to control boost, within a range, in this example from 6-10 psi. (Read more in Electronic Boost Control.)
Add an elevation-compensating turbocharger to your Polaris AXYS 850 Patriot with The BoonDocker Agility Turbo System. Agility is capable of 14+ PSI and producing over +125 HP! Patent Pending Deep Snow Exhaust technology utilizes the stock-exhaust-exit location for a quick and reversible installation. Electronic Boost Control means perfect performance, regardless of conditions.
Fit and Compatibility
- Any vehicle with BoonDocker Agility Turbo Kit ✔
- Any vehicle with BoonDocker Sidekick Turbo Kit ✔
- Most "other" turbocharger applications ✔
Kit Configurations
- Boost Level
- Blue: capable of 4-8 PSI
- Included with most BoonDocker snowmobile turbo kits
- Black: capable of 6-10 PSI
- Recommended actuator for high-boost applications
- Double Black: capable of 10-15 PSI
- Not recommended for most applications. This actuator should only be used by a tuning professional as octane requirements can exceed fuel quality.
Stats and Specs
- Ideally, you should choose an actuator so that your boost setpoint is in the middle between actuator minimum and actuator maximum. If your setpoint is below actuator minimum, your turbo will make actuator minimum, resulting in over-boost, which may lead to problems. If your actuator maximum is below the setpoint, you will only make actuator maximum, which may lead to less fun.
- Achieved boost is controlled by both our electronics (setpoint) AND the actuator
- Allows for higher boost levels
- Actuator minimum is where the wastegate will begin to open. There is no boost control below this point.
- Stiffer actuators will have a higher ramp-up rate on the boost, meaning that setpoint will be achieved at a lower RPM than a softer actuator. This will result in quicker throttle response, but may also be more prone to detonation
- Builds boost faster for increase in throttle response
- Actuators may require adjustment according to the tune-requirements
- Changing actuators will require a change in clutching
- NOTE: Most snowmobile turbo kits come pre-configured with a Blue actuator
Fuel Requirements
(Fuel requirements in reference to SideKick or Agility with F47 turbocharger)
- Pump Gas (91-octane, non-ethanol) ✔
- Blue actuator is safe for pump gas above 4,000 ft
- Black actuators may be acceptable on pump gas above 10,000 ft
- Ethanol Gas (91-octane, 10-15% ethanol) ✔
- Blue actuator is safe for ethanol gas above 4,000 feet
- Mix (50% Av-Gas / 50% 91-Octane) (standard kit configuration) ✔
Blue actuator is safe for mix gas above 2,000 ft
- Black actuator is safe for mix gas above 4,000 ft
- Av-Gas (100LL or higher octane) ✔
- Blue actuator is not suggested for 100LL fuel/performance as you won't make enough boost to take advantage of the octane
- Black actuator required for >8 PSI ✔
- E85 - ⦸ Not Available
Suggested Upgrades
- Clutching:
- We STRONGLY suggest our BoonDocker clutching.
- Clutching MUST be changed with a change in actuator
- Base Kits: For low-boost, high-elevation only
- Premium Kits: suggested for all applications
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I need to configure my kit for different scenarios?
- Pump Gas (91-octane, non ethanol) Requirements (>4,000 feet)
- Intercooled or Non-Intercooled kit
- Adjustable or Non-adjustable control box
- Base clutch kit or Premium clutch kit
- Idaho Head (Colorado head may work above 10,000 ft)
- Blue Actuator (Black actuator may work above 10,000 ft)
- 50/50 Mix (>2,000 feet)
- Intercooled or Non-Intercooled kit
- Adjustable or Non-adjustable control box
- Premium clutch kit
- Stock Head or Montana Head
- Blue Actuator or Black Actuator
- Av-Gas
- Intercooled or Non-Intercooled kit
- Adjustable or Non-adjustable control box
- Premium clutch kit
- Stock Head or Montana Head
- Black Actuator
How long does it take to install?
- Any Actuator: 30 minutes
It is common for installers to lose or misplace the E-clip that secures the wastegate arm to the actuator during installation; they are small and held on with some tension. It is our recommendation if you are ordering a new actuator, to also order a couple spare E-clips
Can BoonDocker install this product?
Where are the installation instructions?
The installation instructions are provided below. Please click on the image to download the PDF. We suggest you browse the instructions before you determine if you want to install this product yourself or if you want a dealer to install.
How do I get my tune(s) for my BoonDocker Control Box?
We provide tunes for download: downloads.boondocker.com
Will I need to update my tune(s) for my BoonDocker Control Box when changing actuators?
Not necessarily. Our tunes are targeting a specific octane, but will correctly fuel with increases or decreases in boost as long as you don't run out of octane. Very specifically, if you're changing octane, you will need to update your tune. If you're not changing octane, but are changing actuators, expect that you may run out of octane. It is strongly recommended to match the octane and actuator with the desired power level.
Does BoonDocker offer an ECU Reflash option?
Yes, we offer ECU reflash options. However, at this time, our reflash(es) work in conjuction with our piggyback fuel controller
Why does BoonDocker use a piggyback fuel controller?
We utilize a piggyback-style fuel controller for several reasons. Primarily, to electronically control boost. BoonDocker is the ONLY kit on the market that uses active electronic boost control, meaning your sled will work, regardless of conditions.
How do I need to configure my clutching?
Please visit our Clutching page for this application. A clutching change will be required with an actuator change.
Can I install this product myself?
This product requires a moderate skill level to install. A mechanically inclined person can easily tackle this project. We suggest that you look at the instructions and determine if you need assistance from our service department or one of our dealers.
Are any specialty tools required?
You will need a secondary-clutch compression tool to install the clutch kit. Intercooled kits require cutting tools and a drill. Otherwise, simple hand tools are required.
Do you have an E85 tune
No, we don't produce E-85 tunes.
Is the Kit complete
This product contains ONLY an actuator. We recommend purchasing an E-clip (or two) to keep as spares. E-clips are small and easily lost during installation.
Actuator Instructions
(click image for instructions)
Hand crafted products built in Idaho